So this is my newest project. To share the projects that I actually do [as opposed the ones I wish I was doing...] I promise they will be cheap and I promise they are just to make you happy [and occasionally to make someone you love happy, but mostly you]. I will include photos of said project and I will include instructions by me. Aren't you lucky! It won't be every week, but I will try to share everything I do that makes me smile when I look at it. As promised, here is installment no. 1:
clearance mother's day flowers. yes, they are slightly worse for the wear. yes, I had to toss some. I've told *B* not to buy me fresh flowers. They just die. I didn't ever consider clearance flowers. I don't know how long they will last, but they're sure making me happy today. I bought 2 bunches and made 2 arrangements [if the girl hadn't interrupted my flow I could have made 3]. So... $10 for two vases [um... one vase + one wide mouthed mason jar] full of flowers. Definitely a cheap thrill in my book. go to it + remember to enjoy the journey.
genius! good for you!