Tuesday, May 26, 2009

I Think I Might Be Damaging My Children

[She said as she watched her oldest son put a grasshopper in a bag and bash it with his fist a few times]. And just an hour ago I paid him $.10 for every snail he gathered up in the garden. After I counted them I told him to bash the bag on the sidewalk and then put it in the trash. He also gets paid $.10 for every dead grasshopper. Just in case you were wondering. Stinking things eat the plants. The can live in someone else's yard if they want to live.


  1. Hmmm - you just might be.... :0)
    I like the new blog look. Super cute.

  2. Nice... That reminds me of Kent making the kids squish tomato worms. That totally grosses me out! He just might get rich at .10 a pop.
