Friday, May 15, 2009

Girl Friday [cont.]

I promised and now the movie is over so you're getting an update on the girl. It's seven minutes until Saturday. I'd better hurry! So, here you are... *E*. aka: the girl. aka: sissy. aka: silly millie [or mil for short]. She will be 11 months old in a week or so. She is silly and stubborn and naughty and we all love her. She puts anything and everything in her mouth. Except baby food. If we put baby food in her mouth she spits it back at us. In fact, if we put pretty much anything in her mouth she will spit it back at us... unless it comes from off our plate. She insists on feeding herself. She loves bread and noodles and peas and egg yolk and meat. Any kind of meat. I am planning on not giving her sugary snacks/drinks until she's two. I am still nursing her though it is getting less and less frequently as she eats more and more solids. She has eight teeth and she uses them well. So far she has been more physically advanced than either of the boys. She climbs the stairs and tries to climb over the barricades I put up to keep her from falling down the stairs. Sometimes I will find her on the other side and wonder how she got there. Thankfully she hasn't decided to try going down yet. She also is cruising around furniture and she loves to stand on the couch and look out the window. She is pretty pleased with herself that she can get down from the couch without falling. She has taken 6 consecutive steps and will walk a little but still prefers to crawl. She loves pushing things like *A's* stool, the wheat bucket, the shopping cart and rocking horse at the rec center. I think she's getting tired of crawling but isn't quite confident enough to take of on her own. She is very ticklish. I get a lot of comments about how much she looks like me... "umm girl. she look like you spit her right out your mouth!" and, "are you sure you didn't just have yourself cloned?" followed by questions about if we've compared our baby photos.

What do you think?

She says things like "taste" and "drink" and of course "mom" and "da". She will also imitate me when I holler for the boys. I call and then she calls. It's really very cute and she says *I's* name really well. I think it was one of her first words. She will go right to bed with minimal fussing [if any] after I sing/dance her around to the "I love you a bushel and a peck" song. She loves to dance and her favorites are polka/mexican music. If *B* has on the radio she will mess with the dial until she finds a mexican channel and the she will stand there bopping up and down grinning. We all get a pretty big kick out of her. I think we'll keep her. Even if she is a girl.


  1. She is getting so big! It makes me jealous to read all the things that she does, becaus Rylan is 3 months older and nowhere close to doing those things. I'm starting to believe that girls really do catch on quicker! As for the baby pictures. Yeah... you 2 look alike! Lucky her! Thanks for the updates. I love hearing about your family that I feel like I never get to see. Keep them coming!

  2. She is such a cutie. I cannot believe she is almost a year old. Where does the time go? We need to get together the next time I am down that way. We need to catch up.

  3. She is beautiful! I love her eyes, and she definitely looks like you!
