Sunday, February 27, 2011

Is It Possible

to be in love with a vacuum? Because I am. Here's the story... Grandpa + Grandma Miles were earning a vacuum. Yes, earning. That means they needed to have 10 friends see a presentation and then after 10 friends saw the presentation they had to find one person to buy one. Only one. Not one of the ten. Easy enough right? Well, we have no money. We were happy to be one of the ten [well, not exactly happy, I mean... who really wants to sit through a vacuum presentation. Really]. Funny thing though. I'm usually really, really irritated with the whole presentation system. This time though I wanted to vacuum my entire house. And clean all of my carpets. Sweep my floors. Dust my baseboards. Leave the vacuum running for days to clean all the air. The lady said, "here, try out this attachment." And I said, "okay, I'll be back in half an hour." Next attachment, same thing. It's magic. I want it. I really, really want it.


  1. if it's a rainbow or like a rainbow, you can have ours. we hate it!! the air does not get purified and it is a total pain!! ha ha!

  2. I know it is possible! I am in love with mine. :)

  3. Sounds like you should have someone else send them over for another presentation! :0) It sounded like you got a lot done. I would be afraid of not using it if I owned it! Good Luck!

  4. It is a rainbow and we decided to go for it. Last night *B8 vacuumed the living room four times, and I kid you not, four times he emptied the most disgusting dirty + surprisingly sandy water out of the tank. I may come to despise the extra work required by introducing the water, but I will sing it's cleaning abilities praises forever.
