Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Good Mom

Today I spent a few hours running around town looking for "wellingtons" (aka rubber boots). When the guys put on their costumes for the Halloween party we had a little problem because Superman didn't have his boots. Mom hadn't really thought about that. She was just happy they had insignias on their chests. Truth told, Superman was lucky to have a cape. Batman wasn't so lucky! Today I thought, "heck... they would love superhero boots. They will definately get used. I think I'll find some." So, I went to the D.I., Kid-to-Kid, Target, IFA (where I ran into a rancher I know from home who told me they have them at Wal-Mart... go figure), then on to Wal-Mart where, yes, they did have them! Success! I also got a can of red spray paint. Superman's boots are red you know. Tomorrow is the big day (I'll take pictures). The school has a costume parade (think "Ramona the Pest") and then the classes each have a party, the Rec Center has a carnival which I am considering taking the boys to, and then of course... TRICK-OR-TREATING! Honestly, I seriously considered shutting all the lights off and not doing the trick-or-treating thing at all. B said that would be "Tricking" so I would technically be participating. Generally I love Halloween, but this year has not been so much fun. Maybe it's because I can already feel the results in my Levi's and it's not even here yet. Hmm.... Enjoy the Journey!


  1. I am at work and thought I would take a break and read a few blogs. You are so creative. You'll have to take pictures of the finished product and post them. I am excited to see them. Next year YOU ARE helping me make Carson's costume! Well, I'd better get back to my struggling premie. Hope you have a fun Halloween.

  2. I support your idea of "tricking" lol. actually...thats exactly what we did this year...but I don't feel too bad since we live in a basement apt. and the entrance is around the back of the house. :) ...we were inside celebrating though, eating donuts and drinking hot chocolate! mmm good.
