Friday, April 4, 2008


So, my dear, sweet, say-whatever-comes-into-your-mind neighbor Lill asked me... "are you sure you're not having twins?" Yep, we're positive. There is only one baby in there. "Are you sure?" Yes! "I just don't know how you're going to last until July." Wow. What can I say to that? *B* had a great response approx. 6 hours later... "Oh, come on now Lill... I'm not any bigger than you are." I know, it's not very nice, but it sure cracked me up! Have I ever told you how much I love grilled cheese & tomato sandwiches? It's been a while. I LOVE THEM! I didn't think of it until it was gone, but I should have taken a picture. I seriously love them. *I* is stuck in his room for 3 hours today. He climbed into the cupboard to help himself to things that aren't his again. Nothing major, but *B* figured we should nip it in the bud now. He's right. Poor little buddy. Yesterday he was riding his "scooter" that the neighbor boy showed him how to convert into a skateboard. I had asked him not to ride it standing up until we got him a helmet/wrist guards etc. but riding on his knees got a little boring and he has been experimenting. Last night our neighbor girl asked him to race. He hit a rock and biffed it. He hit his eye and his nose and his mouth. I think he might have damaged two of his teeth. I'm really hoping he didn't (even though they're still his baby teeth). *A* has been packing around a little plastic doll I got to potty-teach a little a girl I was babysitting a few years ago (idea from Dr.Phil). So, it's his baby. Her name is Lisa and he takes her places. Tuesday he took her to *I's* soccer game and tossed her all around. Tuesday night she was nowhere to be found when it came time for bed. Today she was found. Hallelujah. Enjoy the Journey.


  1. That is hillarious. I like B's comeback. Pretty good one. Those 10 lb babies have to be somewhere. I think you look great!

  2. I've been asked that several times in my lifetime! It's almost as bad as someone asking when you're due when you're not even pregnant! I like B's comeback too, but I'm glad you didn't say it.

  3. I don't know how people have the nerve to say things like that. I agree with Maria, I think you look great...and I see A LOT of pregnant people.
