Monday, August 9, 2010

5 - Four - 3 - 2 - 1

5: the number of laundry baskets of clean clothes that need my attention at this very moment. One could say, "at least they're clean." But I like baskets of clean clothes less than I like baskets of dirty clothes. Clean clothes say, "no worries. I'm clean. It's okay to walk away." And then they proceed to jump out of the baskets onto the floor and soon I'm picking up clothes and smelling them to see if they're clean or not. Sometimes that game goes a little sour. Baskets of dirty clothes, on the other hand, call out to me: "hey! don't you walk away from me. you'll regret it tomorrow when you have to wear that shirt with spit up on it. Hey! I'm talking to you!" I can deal with one basket of dirty. I have a hard time with multiple baskets of clean. FOUR: little people in my home. This I would say is by far the most significant number in this particular list. Honestly, four feels quite a lot like three except for one thing. Four feels like a lot less sleep and one enormous headache. I'm not sure why. Maybe the lack of sleep. Maybe the fact that I'm playing the highly ineffective game of keeping the motor running on sugar. Really I just don't know, but I am liking our little number four. I'm liking him quite a lot. 3: new blogs I've enjoyed this morning... Wild Olive, Zakka Life, and Chez Beeper Bebe. 2: days left until school starts. Really? Really. 1: minute left of computer time for me. I've really got to get something done today. Really.

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