Tuesday, March 24, 2009


This weekend our primary is doing an activity for the kids to help them be more excited about General Conference. It's coming quick! As we [the presidency] sat around the table chatting about what would be most fun and user friendly for the kids I was introduced to a few things I thought would be fun and wanted to share them with you...
one: "Conference Reverence Tent" this is a story from the Oct. 2008 issue of The Friend. I thought it was a super cute story/idea. I've been wanting to make teepees for the boys and I'm currently trying to figure out how to make a circus tent for *A's* birthday next month. I'm hoping I can combine all projects into one. This tent is from Erin Harris of House on Hill Road. She made them with the Kindergarten classes as a fund raiser for her kid's school [another idea I think is fabulous]. She says no sewing machine is involved and using cupons the project cane be done for around $30. Sew, Mama, Sew has the tutorial she used for making your own. I love the idea of letting your kids decorate it. We will definitely be doing this for FHE on Monday night [after I run it passes the big man in charge].
two: I'm sure you've all seen these conference packets. You can download them at Sugardoodle. They have other conference ideas for kids too and there are other packets out there + the March 2009 issue of The Ensign has a great article about this too. I think the sugar doodle packet is fun. Some of the other presidency member thought it was a little wierd... "why would we want to draw attention to the fact that someone is bald?" I think the layout is cute and fun and even the non-readers can do most of it. Plus, by drawing attention to the baldness, glasses, canes, ties etc. the kids will really look at them and hopefully start to recognize them. Even if it is for their baldness.
Hopefully you and your family will get a chance to listen to the Prophet's voice and enjoy General Conference next weekend. I personally can't wait. [If you have no idea what I'm talking about you can learn more here.]
Enjoy the journey!

1 comment:

  1. Ooo, the teepee looks so fun! Thanks for the ideas. I will be printing those booklets off. I think I am ready to come visit again. Miss you!
