Friday, August 19, 2011

Girl Friday

Me, I have a love for hats. I used to buy hats all the time. I realized that I never wear the hats I buy. I quit buying hats. Recently I went shopping with my dear sister. I always buy stuff I never wear when I shop with my sister. I bought a hat. I love the hat. The Girl loves the hat. I love the hat on The Girl.

The Girl has started saying, "Oh dear!" Randomly, she will come to me and say, "Momma, lets laugh and sing!" So I start singing and three or four words in she busts up laughing. Which makes me laugh. When she feels somehow slighted by something I've done or said she sings this little song, "Mommy's stupid yes sir-ree" to the tune of A Happy Family. She single handedly ate four klondike bars yesterday while I was curled up in fetal position on the couch [we've had the flu this week... hopefully I'm the last] and her dad was running errands. The evidence was all over her princess dress.

ps. Lace frame how-to.


  1. I almost didn't recognize her. What a fantastic photo and I'm glad those Klondike bars didn't work their way back up... it'd be sad to have a taste aversion to Klondike bars.

  2. What? You didn't recognize the perpetually dirty face with dried - um, I think it's chocolate this time, maybe blueberries - around the nose? Oh, and right between the eyes as well. Sometimes I wonder if I should put some time into editing other than lighting/color.

  3. you totally can't see those little things. I didn't until you mentioned it and then still only if I look closely. It's an adorable photo of her.

  4. She is so dang adorable! We love the girl :)

  5. Oh my....
    Do I really make you buy stuff you don't want? LOL I stand by the fact that you NEEDED that hat!!

  6. :)

    You don't make me buy stuff I don't want. You talk me into buying things I think I want.
