Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Sorry! Missed a week there didn't I... well, I'm back and I've got something super fun to share! I think those of you with little girls (and those of you with little girl hearts) will love this. I love this!
one: It's a Kelly Purse from Hermes . Go there and get the pattern + fill it with fun goodies for Valentine's Day, or any day for that matter... who wouldn't love a cute little purse filled with fun goodies? And... since I've not fulfilled my obligations with the whole Christmas card thing and the giveaway never happened there either (seeing as how I never made the sleigh, though my intentions were good) I will be giving away this little paper purse filled with fun goodies to the lucky winner because "purse-onally, I think you rock!"... leave a message after the beep...
ps. to get the pattern just click on the very colorful purse on the main page it will zoom in and give you nine different purse options. Choose the one you like + click "I want it". A window will pop up with your pattern and instructions. If you choose the plain white one you can print it on the patterned paper of your choice or color it or paint it or whatever... enjoy!
two: meringue shaped hearts from Martha. I've always wanted to try to make meringue shapes and fill them with pudding ( I had that at a wedding once and L.O.V.E.D it). She also does meringue bones at halloween... that is something I've really wanted to try but that will have to wait for another day... unless I do them for valentine's "No bones about it, I think your great!" I know, I know, I'm a total nerd and super cheesy but that's why you love me! So... the link has a video demonstration and also the recipe/directions.
So, enjoy the journey!


  1. Those purses are Super cute! that's something I will definately have to do. Thanks for sharing!

  2. You ROCK!!!! I have decided that I'm entirely too selfish and that I need to watch out for people that inspire me or just look like they could use some happy and I was thinking to do a fun something once a week. This is perfect. The cheesy is exactly why I love you, by the way.
