Tuesday, January 6, 2009


As you may have noticed on your calendar, today is the day of Epiphany. I love it. What is that anyway, you may be asking... well, I'll tell you. According to Dictionary.com it is a Christian festival, observed on January 6, commemorating the manifestation of Christ to the gentiles in the persons of the Magi; Twelfth-day (did you know the "1st day of Christmas" is actually the day after Christmas?). And as we commonly use it now, it's a moment of revelation or insight. So in honor of the day (and of my baby turning 6 mo. old = I feel fine with being more aggressive about my weight loss goals), I want to share two places that have provided me with many ah-ha moments: one: Hussman Fitness. I loved this site when I did BFL. So straightforward. Here's a teaser quote...
"The key to success – in anything – isn't extraordinary, superhuman effort. It's daily action. You find a set of actions that you believe will produce good results if you follow them consistently, and then you follow them consistently. You don't reach a goal by constantly saying “so little done, so much more to do.” Just focus on taking small consistent steps, and suddenly you'll discover that you've arrived. The focus should be squarely on the present - "What are the actions I can take today that will bring success?" "
I highly recommend you reading more if you have a weight loss goal this year. two: Calorie King. So helpful. We all know that in order to lose fat you have to burn more calories than you take in. It's simple math, but the problem is that I often find that I'm really not aware of what I'm eating. I think I'm eating well, but really... I could be making much better choices. So that's it. I'm going to be obsessive/hyperfocused about weight loss for a while, but that's what it has to be. Sorry if it's boring. Enjoy the Journey.

1 comment:

  1. Yea, you can do it! I love your 2 for Tuesday posts!

    We had so much fun spending time with you over the holidays!

    Thanks for the photoshop help and for the snow photo comment. I can't wait for it to snow again so I can practice shooting in manual mode!
