Sunday, November 16, 2008

Sunday Stories

I've been working on the Stories in Hand class assignments today. Personal History is a good Sunday activity right? I'll try to make "Sunday Stories" a permanent feature (telling my stories is one of the things from my previous "list" that I kept for this years list...*) . The purpose of the class is to tell your stories. Today I was doing the assignment from yesterday. It was to take something from your "snorkeling" list and go deeper. I was writing about my sister who is just younger than me. I have two other sisters, but with this one... WOW, we fought. We fought a lot. We fought over clothes and books and territory. Heck, we probably fought just to fight. I'm not talking about yelling here. I'm talking cat-fight fighting. Rip your hair out scratching/ clawing/ hitting/ kicking all out fighting. People got hurt. Doors were broken. We threw things. I mostly threw well aimed shoes. She threw knives. She says she was afraid for her life. I guess I was that mean. I'm glad we made it out alive. She is now one of my best friends. So... What were your siblings like and how did you get along with them? Enjoy the Journey! *Remind me to write about the new list PS: the "snorkeling" list comes from reading through prompts that Jessica has compiled and jotting down anything from your past that comes to mind so you can later go back and "scuba dive" to get more details down.

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