Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Please notice my new quote. Also, this is my mantra for the day... "My boys are imaginative, playful, and creative children and I love them." I was reading about colic in a book I have and they said not to put a child under 6 weeks old in a swing but gave no explaination. Any thoughts as to why that would be? Lastly, I realize it's been a long while and you all want pictures. Here you go:



  1. Cute pics Mandi. I also like the quotes. Life IS messy, if you are living. I googled the baby swing thing related to colic- to check it out. Interestingly, most sites on colic that I saw said to swing them. So, I have no idea why they would say that. Does she like the swing, or have you tried it?

  2. I love how the blessing picture turned out. She is adorable!

  3. I would defninitly disregard the swing advice. That is the only way I survived one of my kids. Just put it on a lower speed. THe pictures were beautiful, you have such a talent I hope your taking lots of them. She's beautiful.

  4. I love your new quote. It may find a place in my house somewhere. I think maybe the swing thing is because if it's from reflux - laying back that much might not be great. With Henry I would put him to sleep in his bouncer because it leaned him up more and that helped him quite a bit. The acid couldn't come so far up I guess. Of course - cutting out the chocolate did the real trick :0) But that's only if you're desperate. Those were not happy times! Ha Ha.
