Friday, July 8, 2011

Girl Friday

Yesterday my friend Cannwin posted a list. And you all know how much I love lists. Then I got an e-mail from BPC [Big Picture Classes] with a great "I" list. And the boys are currently working a list. Hmm. I think the universe is telling me it's time for another list :). Like I need an excuse. Here goes:

I was not going to post today.

I am going to the dentist.

I think I should take better care of my teeth so I don't have to make special trips to fix problems.

I wonder if that protective mouthwash really works...

I wish I could snap my fingers and have everything fly to it's place [like Mary Poppins].

I save everything. It's annoying. And counterproductive to my organizing wishes.

I always sit things down on the nearest surface and forget about them.

I can't imagine living in a clutter free home.

I believe it's possible

I promise to make more of an effort.


photos credits: Better Homes & Gardens and Martha Stewart Living

I love the look of a clutter free home.

I do.


  1. I know all about teeth problems. Everytime I get pregnant I end up losing a tooth. The only root canal I've ever had was done while I was pregnant with my 3rd child.

    I'm also terribly clumsy when I'm pregnant... ::sigh::

    I love the looks of clutter free homes too. So, what happens is I can make my home relatively clutter free, but my bedroom is another story entirely. :(

    Since i know you're resisting, I won't judge you if you don't go there but here's my Pinterest board for the things I like in a home---

  2. oh, I've seen your pinterest. I'm resisting getting my own. I'm going to lose that battle though. My favorite program on my computer is something called portfolio and it's so full I think it's bogging down my computer. It's almost exactly like pinterest except pinterest can be prettied up and shared with others. Downside to pinterest would be that I couldn't access it at the cabin and I do a lot of projecting at the cabin. It would be nice to have that ready reference. I guess I could just plan ahead better though...
