Friday, August 24, 2007

Retro Chairs

I have been sucked into the e-bay world. It's a sad, sad day. I keep thinking that I want to find a chair like the avocado/aqua floral one we got from B's Mom & Dad's rental place when they bought it. I wish I could find one. I really want to recover it. It has so much spunk! I really love it. So I checked out retro chairs on e-bay this morning. This is what I found for the taking. What are your votes? Do you think the shipping would be outrageous? Would it be worth it if I only paid $5 for the chair itself? Am I insane?...
Yes, I realize that they are incredibly ugly as they are. They are so cute in my head though. Seriously, can you see them with linen colored, heavy duty covering and some cute/funky/ sassy pillows? For example, fabrics like these:
So, that is what has been on my mind lately. Also, I realize that there is no rhyme or reason to any of these fabric swatches. They just spoke to me today! Pillows are easy to change. Right?
Enjoy the Journey!

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