Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Today as I was chatting on the phone I glanced out a crack in the blinds and saw a little guy streaking past with next to nothing on. When I opened the door to get him inside/insist he put his clothes back on he was gone. I tried to track him as he ran around the side of the house... then he burst in through the back door. I hollered for him to put his clothes back on, "we don't run around outside naked!" That, by the way, is my broken record phrase... Anyways, he opted to get into the bathtub. I went in there to inquire as to why he was running naked outside (this is my older 5 yr old guy we're talking about...the usual streaker is merely three and doesn't know any better). He said, "I was playing Ninjee Turtles." Oh, of course you were! Um, "Ninja Turtles aren't naked...they have shells." "I know, I was using my back pack for a shell!" And there you have it. It makes perfect sense! I tried really hard not to crack a smile! So, I just checked and word No. 6 is "Automatic" any thoughts on this? I'm wondering if I'm not having so much trouble with these newer words because I haven't thought them out/brainstormed them like I did the first couple. Maybe this is the one to use the recycle sign on... Some cycle that perpetuates with no thought...automatically. What do you think? enjoy the journey!

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