I decided to audition for the design team at Jessica Sprague. I just might regret this. I don't know what kind of time committment is involved [these are the pages I decided to enter].
I really feel like I need to do more of this. It makes me happy to feel productive in a creative way and this is the least messy way I can think of. Plus, the kids love to see the pages I've made for them.
I need to make a conscious effort to do more about #1. Mr *I*.
one: this amazing blog. really. amazing. If you like food or, more appropriately, if you like to look at pretty pictures of food you will love this. As an added bonus, she types recipes to her pretty pictures of food so you feel like you're looking at a funky fun recipe book. You'll have to see it to understand. I just didn't do it justice in my sad description.
two: colors. I cleared my obligations plate recently and am really excited about a project I'm working on. but all I can tell you now is that these are the colors that will print true on a self designed fabric from spoonflower. That's all I'm going to say. Except that I'm very excite and far too hyperfocused on this for my own good. Oh, and also that inspiration is hard to contain. I keep having to jot down new ideas that pop into my head as I've been working/dreaming about this one project. It's multiplying. It's fun. It's exciting. I can't wait to share.
ps. I think it might be a couple of months before my project is ready. Just so you know. I'm shooting for the 2nd week in November. I probably should have waited to say anything, but I can't help it. It's all I think about.
pss. I was all finished and had even published this post, but I ran across this beautiful and fun card and had to share. Because it shows the color palet in a much more creative and useful way than I did. Head over to the Ginger & George blog and download this beautiful card for free. Yes, that's f.r.e.e.
clothes I can be excited about again. I haven't had a new skirt in... well, it was just a bit after *A* was born so it's been at least 5 years. It's hard enough for me to find clothes that fit and that I like and that I can afford without having to worry about the styles and that they're intended to hit just above the knee and therefore hit around mid thigh. Shirts are another big problem for me, but that's another story for another day I guess. As you can imagine I was very excited to open my inbox and see this declaration. Yes, very excited indeed.
WAKING : up three times last night. and that after going to bed a bit past midnight. finally deciding that it just wasn't worth it to try and sleep anymore. getting up at 6:30 and going for a walk. all by myself.
READING : as is typical of me, currently have multiple books I'm sampling [at the moment that number happens to be six]. Some actual delving going on in a few. The Hunger Games I am slowly reading to *B*, Toss the Guilt and Catch the Joy I am enjoying small tastes of here and there. How to Win Friends and Influence People was recommended by a member of our bishopric as a possible help to get through raising my kids. It's the one that gets picked up when I'm feeding the little man. Gospel Principles. There is actual delving going on here as I'm a newly called RS teacher and it's killing me. really. The Parenting Breakthrough. I guess this one shouldn't be on the list yet because I've only skimmed the begining. Then decided that I need to finish with these others first so as to give it it's proper respect and attention. Next up: The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society for bookclub. It's been on my list for quite a while.
WEARING : Black t-shirt and Gray sweat shorts. a bun in my hair. I'm very dressed up today.
DRINKING: water. lots of water. and occasionally a rootbeer flavored italian soda [I cooked me up some rootbeer flavored syrup for just this purpose]. they're yummy.
CAPTURING : sweet little faces and happy moments.
WATCHING : This awesome video: The Day Money Actually Grew On A Tree. I love it!
WORKING: on getting the little man to sleep so I can get started on a baby name order due saturday. I'm also hyperfocused on fine tuning/developing a couple of brilliant ideas I had recently. More on that later.
CALLING : to make VT appointments. If I remember that is. I always remember while they're at work. Never once they get home.
REMEMBERING : to make VT appointments. hopefully.
ENJOYING: the coolness that is slowly sneeking into the air.
one: Home Ec. I never took home ec. in school. It always confilicted with something like band or spanish or show choir or something that could eventually wrap back around to the fact that I was in band. So. I really don't feel like I know what the heck I'm doing when it comes to sewing. I just pretend like I do and jump in with both feet. Usually kicking myself halfway through the process. Wondering where my brain is. I was thoroughly interested in this class. I think it would be a good thing for me to do to broaden my base as far as sewing goes. Then I think... yeah, but I could find tutorials to teach me how to do every one of those things on my own and save the $60 that I don't have in the first place. Yes I could. But there isn't anyone I like better [at least not off the top of my head] for throwing together a cute and fun class full of great projects than Rachel Denbow. I think she just might be the queen of craft. I would pay for the class just for her. I really would.
two: a multi-generational bassinet that is currently in my possession. If I remember the story right it was made by by my Mom's great-great grandma. My grandma Verde had 12 kids. When her first was born she was given this bassinet. It was used for all 12 of her kids and who knows how many of her grandkids. I know for sure that my mom was in it and I was in it. Now this new little person is in it. And the girl spends way too much time in it too. I'm thinking I'm going to have to get it out of this house soon if it's going to survive another generation.
because I was privileged to hear "elk" bugling in the cool morning air outside my window [*A* does a great elk impersonation. Seriously, it's impressive I hope the neighbors don't mind].
because the windows are open and there is cool fresh air coming in.
because I was able to get out and walk/slow jog in the wee morning hours.
because I've got a gallon sized baggie full of frozen grapes in my freezer and still more on the vines waiting for me to get them taken care of.
because the boys have decided on halloween costumes and they are pretty basic.
because it's almost autumn people. I love autumn.
because I'm slowly working my way through the ridiculous amounts of photos on my computer.
because the table re-finishing project is finally back in progress.
because I rock at throwing random things together to make a meal.