a small attempt at being clever and a big reminder that ketsup is really a goofy word. I'm just saying. So, this month really ran away with me. It's been nice in some ways, but now comes the day of accountability. I've not shared my projects. Here you go in a big whirlwind of JS products:
one: I can't! I don't have any two feet! Girlie cracks me up.
two: Polka Party! I wish I really did have one. Really. I'll share a little joke instead: The other day I left my accordian in the backseat of my car while I ran into the store. When I came back I realized that I forgot to lock the doors because now there were three accordians in the backseat :). I've always wanted to have a polka party...
three: A while back Liv made these really great brushes for labeling photos. Today, while looking for a project to do and at the same time lamenting the fact that I can't get my kids to do anything [is there a way to underline + italicize + superhighlight that word?] I thought maybe a bit of personal responsibility might be in order. Voila... A kids weekly calendar. We'll have a family planning session later on tonight.