Friday, October 10, 2008

Erin, This One's for You!

You know, if you'd call me you wouldn't have to cry for new posts... And for everyone else out there: Erin was laughing at me because I just finished a week long class called "Bling Out Your Blog" by Kimberly Brimhall... I "met" a lot of fun new people, but didn't do any of the assignments. As always, there is a very good reason for that. As always! Anyhow, I will get around to it. You need to check out her blog. I love it. Also, I've opened up my blog to the public so... I will continue to be uber-paranoid about protecting the innocent and would appreciate the help of commenters in the know. Thanks!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you've been blogging....I missed you. :0(
