Friday, August 13, 2010

Just A Few Things

I really need to put more focus and effort into. Elsie had this challenge up on her blog and I thought I should put these out there too. Accountability and all that. You know how it is.
1. Eat 2-3 fruits and 4+ veggies daily. Instead of candy. It's a myth that candy will give you energy and keep you awake. A myth I tell you. And yet I just keep right on disillusioning myself.
2. Sleep when they sleep. Even if that means going to bed at 7:30 p.m. Even if it means not cleaning the house. Even if it means missing out on my alone time. Yeah, even then.
3. More water. More water. More water. Do you think that if I drink more water this infernal headache will finally go away? More water I say.
4. Put something away. Anything. That nursing pad on the table? Put it away. And while you're at it, put away your cereal bowl too.
And then go take a nap. Because they're sleeping right now dang it.


  1. It's not the lack of water - it's the lack of sugar if you've been trying to cut it out :0) Or - it's your body saying "more sugar" if you haven't yet. LOL Vicious cycle.

  2. you crack me up, but I love reading your blog. I want to see the new little one some day before he is 2. congratulations on having him anyway.
    Love you,
