Thursday, February 7, 2008

[365]: My Newest Project

I don't know if any of you "surf" enough to know about this project. It is really widespread and trendy is probably the best word to describe it. The idea is to take one photo of yourself every day for 365 days. I think it's kind of cool and I've been doing it a little lately. Some day when I understand what committment is and when I have the gumption to actually do it I might be serious, but for now I'm just taking it one day at a time and trying not to stress about it. I should also be taking the opportunity to really learn how to work my camera and all of the nifty things it can accomplish, but again, that would require more gumption than I'm up for right now. Here's a peek at the few I've got so far (I've set up a flicker link for the next bunch. Let me know if you have trouble accessing it)...
1*[365]: My first official shot. I like it. I think it says a lot about me. Do you love the socks with my crocs? I also get a kick out of the random way I sudoku. Do you sudoku?
2*[365]: I voted. I hope you did too. *B* is very disappointed that his guy, Mitt, is probably out of it. We've been very wrapped up in the debates etc. around here. Now he says that we're just going to have to hold our noses and vote for McCain.
3*[365]: See that? It's the print out pages of our tax return! Wahoo! I'm so glad that's done and we're getting a return that will help pay for our baby in July (1st), and our vacation in October. Maybe if we work it right we can even get some food storage out of it. I hate paying taxes, but I would never be able to save the money we get from the returns, so I just look at it as a savings account. I know, that's really dumb! Just so you know, this may just end up being another "unfinished project" I've undertaken, but that's okay. I'm cool with that! Enjoy the journey!

1 comment:

  1. Fun post Mandi! I love the cool pictures you take. Sometimes the random shots of "life"- like your socs and crocs pictures are neat. Seems like a neat thing to do. What is the website for the 365 thing?
